Practical CV Writing To Get Dream Jobs

CV Writing MasterClass

For Aspiring CV Writer and Job Seeker

Course Information

Estimated Time: 5 hours 30 minutes

Difficulty: Advanced

This CV Writing Masterclass is a biginner to advance Mastering of writing CV using AI tools. You will learn prompt engineering alongside too. This is ALX-AiCE related program, which, in our opinion, is the best introductory to CV Writng master class with AI.

We are excited to help guide you through it.

No prior experience in CV writing or AI is required, and there are no prerequisites.

Course Instructor

Esther Esther Author

CV Writing Masterclass



Proceed to make a 1k commitment fee


Section 1 – Introduction

Section 2: Introduction to AI – Understand AI for Job search and success

Section 3: Prompting for writing CV/Coverletter

Miles Stone 1

Section 4: Your Online Digital presence Management for Job Search 

Section 5

Section 6:  Job serch and Interview success

Miles Stone 2

CV Writing Masterclass



Proceed to make a 1k commitment fee

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